Monday 5 December 2011

For the Locals: Tuba Christmas!

I went to Tuba Christmas for the first time several years ago. I was not sure I would enjoy listening to a hundred or so Tubas (that's what it seemed like but was probably less) playing Christmas music at one time. It was actually quite amazing and a lot of fun. Everyone is so happy to be there and the music is great. It is also free and a wonderful way to get into the Christmas spirit. Here is the information for this year's Tuba Christmas. If you have never been, I recommend it! Also, kids love it. Get there early because it is always packed.


TIMES: 11:00 am - First Baptist Church, corner of Broadway & 7th Avenue South
12:30 pm - First Baptist Church

REGISTRATION: 8:30 am, Fellowship Hall

REHEARSAL: 9:30 am, Sanctuary

PARKING: Free parking for performers and audience in Church lots.

NOTE: Directions: I-40, I-65 or I-24 to downtown Nashville, Broadway exit. Head toward downtown to just past 7th Ave. South. Turn off Broadway into driveway that goes under building. Unload at Fellowship Hall entrance.


COORDINATORS: G.R. Davis 615-714-0247, Nancy Holland 615-419-2837

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